
The Life and Glories of St. Joseph is unavailable, but you can change that!

No words of St. Joseph are recorded in Scripture. In fact, little mention is made of him. Yet, despite these seeming limitations, the Church nonetheless possesses an incredibly rich knowledge of St. Joseph and his religious culture. This book will astound readers both with its scope and with its profundity. Based mainly on Scripture, but supported also by tradition and the depositions of saints,...

orders we need not here speak. Now, above all these orders rises supreme the order of the Hypostatic Union. All the other orders, comprising even the angelic, are subordinate and subject to it; for this reason, that Jesus is the beginning, the author, and the head of this order, and on Jesus, as Sovereign Prince, depends every hierarchy, every sacred princedom in Heaven and on earth, since Jesus, as the Apostle says, is the end of the whole law.1 Jesus is the chief corner-stone2 upon which rests
Pages 7–8